Welcome to our Senior Sememster Two, 2023 Season. Please find below information regarding the season, rules, regulations and procedures by clicking on the “+” for more information.
Should you require assistance or additional information throughout the season please do not hesitate to approach either the Stadium Supervisor or Game Supervisor during your competition. Assistance is also available from our office staff between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday by calling 9913 3622 or send your enquiry by e-mail to
Over 18 Years Men & Women
Manly Warringah Basketball Assoc. runs two competitions a year for Senior players. Team entries open in early January and the competition runs till the end of June. Our midyear competition team entries open in June/July (depending on when the school holidays fall) and the competition ends in early December. MWBA runs senior competition on two days, Monday or a Wednesday and we have several divisions on each day to allow for a diverse range of playing ability. For more information on cost, times and how to enter a team, please click on the “+” symbols below for more information.
Semester Two, 2023 Senior Competition team entry date:
*Existing Teams: 9am Monday 5th June 2023. Existing teams: teams that played in our Semester 1 2023 comp.
New Teams: 9am Monday 19th June 2023 for new teams. If a new team put their team entry in prior to this date, the money will be refunded, and team entry not honoured.
How To Enter a Team
- Manager who is over 18 needs to login to their Membership account. Button is located in the top right of the website

- Once in the membership dashboard click on the Team Nomination tile.

- Make sure you have your team roster ready. A minimum of 7 players and Maximum of 10 is required and you will need their name, DOB and email so that they receive the registration email to acknowledge they are part of the team, and it may ask them to renew their registration if expired. This email may end up in their spam folder.
Premier Men| Representative & Division one players|Monday Evenings|Game times, 8:05pm, 8:50pm & 9:35pm
Open Men Division Two|Competitive, Social comp |Monday or Wednesday evenings|Game times, 8:05pm, 8:50pm & 9:35pm
Open Men Division Three|social competition|Monday or Wednesday evenings|Game times, 8:05pm, 8:50pm & 9:35pm
Open Men Division Four|social competition|Monday or Wednesday evenings|Game times, 8:05pm, 8:50pm & 9:35pm
Open Women Social|social competition for those that want to keep fit|Wednesday evenings|Game times, 8:05pm, 8:50pm & 9:35pm
The fees involved when playing Basketball:
- Player Insurance/Registration: $130 per annum (BNSW covid discount applied to those impacted in 2021) . Registrations are completed online only and can be accessed through the Members Area on our website. All players are responsible for their own registration status. For registration support, please contact
- Team Entry Fee (per season to secure teams spot in the competition & is deducted of total game fees.) $250 per team. This fee is non-refundable.
- Team Game Fees-covers the expenses associated with running the competition e.g. court hire, referees and administration. The game fee is a team cost. This fee is divided amongest the number of players in the team.The Team Manager will receive an invoices on the first week of the season for team game fees. Upon receipt of court fee invoice, the Team Manager is asked to advise team members their portion of game fees and ask them to pay their individual portion online ONLY (Net 14 days). This is done through their memberhip dashboard.
Monday Premier Men Semester 1, 2023: $2000 (Bench covered by MWBA, games fully timed)
Monday & Wednesday Open Div 2, 3, 4, Semester 1, 2023: $1660 per team (deposit will be deducted)
Games are played at the Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre, Jacksons Road, Warriewood, NSW.
Seniors (Division 2 and below)
Regular Games:
18 minute halves – Running clock
1 time out per team, per half. The clock will be stopped for time outs. 1 minute half time break
In the last minute of the game, the clock will stop for all whistles if the score difference is 5 points or less
In the event of a draw, extra periods of 5 minutes will be played – maximum 2 overtime periods, then Golden Point
Foul counts will remain as they were at the end of the second half
1 time out in the first half, 2 time outs in the second half. 1 unused time out from the second half may be used in overtime. There are no extra time outs in overtime.
For more indepth rules, please click on the link to our policy page and look for the By-Laws.:
Game scores are recorded on the draw. Results have been updated when the game appears in red.
- Competition commences the week of Monday 17th July or Wednesday 19th July, 2023 & concludes with Grand Final games on Monday 4th December or Wednesday 6th December, 2023
- Round 1, Invoice will be sent
- Round 3, Invoice balance to be finalised.
- Semi Finals; 1st vs 2nd & 2nd vs 3rd. Week of Monday 27th November or Wednesday 29th November, 2023
- Grand Final Week winners of the two semi-final games- week of 4th December, 2023
- No games will be held during the school holidays: Monday 25th September to Sunday 8th October, 2023
The score sheet lists the names of registered players who have been nominated by the Team Manager. Managers wishing to add or delete players from the roster can do so by logging into their membership dashboard and clicking on the Team tile. Changes Must be put in before 2:30 pm on the day of competition or changes will not appear on the score sheet. Please note, Teams must have a minimum of 7 players and a maximum of 10. All players must be over 16 years of age to be able to play in the senior competition.
Please ensure your team roster is up to date for the electronic scoring, so the game can start on time.
- tops must be matching & reversible
- shorts must be matching
- numbers (00, 0-99) must be displayed on the front and back of each playing top
- no parts of the uniform may feature external pockets or any other feature with potential to cause injury
- undergarments which protrude from under the uniform must be the same colour as uniform or black
- Please note that all teams must be in correct uniform from week 4. Refer to by-laws for clarification.
MWBA sells Black & White reversible singlets for $35 each. Singlets are numbered on all sides. Please allow two weeks for the order to be filled.
Please note we are unable to hand out bibs. If you know of a team colour clash then team B will be expect to have an alternative strip.
As part of entering a team into the Senior Competitions at MWBA your team will need to supply two people to do bench duty when rostered on. MWBA staff will provide assistance for the first few weeks of the competition. Team mangers are asked to provide a roster to all members of the team so that each member knows when it is their turn to undertake scoretable duties. Please note the scoretable official should be minimum 16years+
If your team cannot do rostered duty, please contact us immediately on 9913 3622 so we can hire staff to fill in for the rostered duty. A $50 fee will be passed on to the team for not covering their rostered duty.
Want to learn more about Scoretable duties click here.
Click to view Competition By-Laws, Codes of Conduct, Zero Tolerance Policy and Risk Policy. Manly Warringah Basketball expects all participants to adhere to the spirit of the rules, with fun and healthy recreation as the primary goals rather than winning at all costs.
For the most, participants and spectators enjoy their basketball in a competitive and positive manner here at Manly Warringah Basketball Basketball. From time to time however, some people let their emotions take over and display unacceptable behaviour towards officials, the opposition or their supporters and at times, even their own team members or kids. Please always remember to support participants, including referees in a positive manner. Please view our Zero Tolerance Policy and be aware that any breaches can be referred to tribunal.
Looking for an extra player to join your team? Check out the Individual Player Board! Click Hereto view.
If you would like to be added to the Individual Players Board, please Click Here
If you wish to be removed from the Individual Player Noticeboard please forward an email to

Please note that while Manly Warringah Basketball Association will make every effort to accommodate individual players, placement is not guaranteed.
Manly Warringah Basketball Association has created an Individual Player Board to assist the many parents and players who are seeking to join a team and the teams who are seeking players.
Submissions will appear on our website within 7 working days. Please note:
- Miniball Players will NOT be placed on the individual player board, Please call Manly Basketball for further information ph: 9913 3622.
By nominating as an Individual player, you are agreeing to:
- your details (individual name, email address, mobile phone number, grade) to be posted on the Individual Player Board located on the Manly Warringah Basketball Association website.
- MWBA competition by-laws, policies and procedures. Click here to view all documents.
Click here to view.
Require further assistance please contact the stadium on 9913-3622 or email
JUNIOR & SENIOR INDIVIDUALS | High School Students and over 18 years old
No payment is required until player is placed in a team. While every effort is made to accommodate individual nominations, placement is not guaranteed.
Click here to nominate for the INDIVIDUAL NOTICEBOARD.